To PubIt or Not To PubIt

So Barnes & Noble today announced this little feature called PubIt! that’s directly tied into their Nook e-readers. Here’s the short version from their site: PubIt! utilizes a self-service Web portal for publishers to independently set up their accounts, upload their eBooks, set the list price, and track their sales and payments. Publishing an eBook… Continue reading To PubIt or Not To PubIt

Epilogues: Essential or Evil?

The novel rattles along towards its end. You’ve been with these characters for hundreds of pages, followed their stories for thousands of words. Now, at last, you’re in the final chapter. The drama and action are at their peak. The conclusion rushes up on the last page of the chapter, and… What’s this? There’s more?… Continue reading Epilogues: Essential or Evil?

Keep Yourself Out

Phillip Pullman has published an article expressing his dislike of stories in the present tense. He makes some good points about some of the limitations of present tense, which I feel extend to some of the limitations of first person perspective. But that’s a subject for another post. What came to mind even as I… Continue reading Keep Yourself Out

Story's End

Some of my favorite stories have been ruined because they’ve gone on too long. Even stories I’ve been lukewarm about have taken a turn for the abysmal when more story has been tacked on when it wasn’t needed. It’s so common that it’s been dubbed “Sequelitis” by the Tropers. It’s informed some of the decisions… Continue reading Story's End

Said Lives!

Let me take you back to elementary school. Junior high or middle school, maybe. Going back a ways for some of us, I know. Just when we were getting started in writing, putting words together in ways that made sense, our teachers told us something that was meant to help us. “Said is dead.” All… Continue reading Said Lives!

The Fine Art of the Catherd

I’ve been in therapy quite a bit in my adult life. You’re shocked. I can tell. One of the most effective pieces of advice I was given by a therapist involved dealing with the internal mechanisms of my brain. Specifically, the phenomenon she called “racing thoughts.” Basically, if a notion came into my head or… Continue reading The Fine Art of the Catherd

Mind Crimes

“I respect a movie that kicks me in the balls.” This comment was how I summed up my initial feelings after watching Repo Men. It’s a Jude Law near-future picture about special ops guys who go after people and rip out their cyborg organs, since they’re 90 days delinquent on payments. I listed it as… Continue reading Mind Crimes

There Is No Sex

Art courtesy Lucian Once again I’ve provided a provocative title to try and get your attention. Is it working? Is it? Yesterday’s post on females in fiction has generated some feedback, but thoughts from one of my friends got me thinking. He said, “Why not disregard gender entirely? Why not just write characters?” This is… Continue reading There Is No Sex

Doing Girls Right

Women in fiction can be tricky things for writers, especially male ones. Every individual, regardless of gender, is a creature of nuance, and unless you want your work to be regarded as lacking substance, easily disposable and the sort of thing no publishing house will get near with a ten foot pole, your ladies are… Continue reading Doing Girls Right