Take Time To Think

Human beings in the modern age love getting things as soon as possible. They seek out the latest gadgets, latch on to concepts that are easy to digest, choose a Big Mac over a slow-roasted side of beef cooked over a fire at home. Be it a burger, a toy or an idea, the less… Continue reading Take Time To Think

On NaNo & Scrivener

So National Novel Writing Month – NaNoWriMo to you Web-savvy types – is right around the corner. I know a few of my fellow pensmiths will be participating in the event, and I’m more than happy to offer my support, encouragement and advice. But I, for one, won’t be participating. The simple reason for this… Continue reading On NaNo & Scrivener

Reinventing the Wheel

via The San Francisco Chronicle You’ve heard the turn of phrase before. “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.” Basically it’s an argument that doesn’t necessarily invalidate innovation, but suggests that working within established constraints means less work and a lower investment of time and resources. At the same time, only going with what’s known… Continue reading Reinventing the Wheel

Real Adventures & Dungeons

A lot of my friends and associates, like myself, enjoy reading, watching or experiencing media in which human beings are placed in mortal danger. We move humans from cover to cover while shooting at other living things. We watch as political scandals unfold. We read about intrepid people delving into the darkness beneath the earth.… Continue reading Real Adventures & Dungeons

Horrific Thoughts

Now that I’ve finally completed the last round of edits for Citizen in the Wilds short of anything that comes from test reads, I can turn my attention to other projects. I have a few on my plate but first and foremost is a deadline approaching with all of the inevitablity of a steam locomotive… Continue reading Horrific Thoughts