Cultivating Characters

This is related to a post I made a few months ago regarding expository writing but it’s on my mind since my wife and I just finished watching (or rather re-watching) the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’d borrowed the extended editions from my mother, as my copies are elsewhere. Anyway, this if Faramir. In… Continue reading Cultivating Characters

Habits & Dreams

Some personal stuff related to writing and my life in general follows. Maybe this stuff will be useful to somebody else, and I apologize in advance if you choose to click the spoiler link and find the following text empty, useless or pointless. [spoiler]There are some habits that are good to get rid of. Excessive… Continue reading Habits & Dreams

Be A Pitch Machine

This is going to be yet another one of those “advice I should follow myself before I dispense it” posts. I, like many other authors, have been rejected far more often than I’ve been accepted. From big publishing houses to small press folks, I’ve heard the word NO at least a dozen times before hearing… Continue reading Be A Pitch Machine


Due to time & dayjob constraints, I’m unable to continue my series on Scrivener today. However, Scrivener is still on my mind. I added this to the Citizen in the Wilds project, and before I put it aside, interested parties may want to check this out. Spoiler-tagged for your protection. [spoiler] Asherian zan Alwred’s defining… Continue reading Canned Goods: READ THIS FIRST

MEPAcon Fall 2010 After-Action Report

In Pennsylvania’s northern reaches, amongst mountains wreathed in fog and criss-crossing freeways, the Ramada at Clark’s Summit feels like a secluded retreat from big-city civilization. It’s a nice hotel in an interesting position, and twice a year it plays host to the Mid-Eastern Pennsylvania gaming convention, a.k.a. MEPAcon. This was my first experience at this… Continue reading MEPAcon Fall 2010 After-Action Report

Welcome to Scrivener: Getting Started

Since I was asked… scriv·en·er (skrv-nr, skrvnr) n. 1. A professional copyist; a scribe: “Gutenberg’s invention of movable type . . . took words out of the sole possession of monastic scriveners and placed them before the wider public” (Irvin Molotsky). 2. A notary. Last week I gave an introduction to and brief overview of… Continue reading Welcome to Scrivener: Getting Started