Lions & Fortnights & Codes, Oh My!

I really couldn’t think of an appropriate image for this little literary trip down memory lane, so here’s a picture of a mountain lion. It’s semi-appropriate, I suppose, since the first iteration of the first novel I ever wrote was entitled “Project: Lion,” and if that doesn’t betray the fact I wrote the thing in… Continue reading Lions & Fortnights & Codes, Oh My!

Iron Bats

The real world is a chaotic and disheartening place. Once again a steady stream of work has kept me from being able to get my thoughts out as expediently as I would like. The major flaw in establishing a schedule is the feeling one gets when falling behind. However, rather than allowing that feeling to… Continue reading Iron Bats

Swimming Up The Mainstream

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Zero Punctuation and the above entry has a particularly good point about originality and creativeness around 1:00 in that applies to entertainment other than gaming. It seems to me that an increasing number of films, tv series and novels are falling into somewhat disturbing if not self-destructive… Continue reading Swimming Up The Mainstream