Games People Play

See that? Even our kitten likes games. I thought I’d take a moment of your time to remind you that no gamer exists in a vacuum, and tell you about what some of the other important gamers in my life are up to and blogging about. Epixaricacy has been playing Mass Effect. I’ve talked about… Continue reading Games People Play

Comfort Writing

Being sick sucks. I’m sitting here waging a pitched battle against a sore throat, aching muscles and a tract that occasionally lets me know it’s not terribly happy at the moment either. I had to sortie out to gather reinforcements – chicken noodle soup, orange juice and toaster strudel. What? It was on sale. Seriously.… Continue reading Comfort Writing

Writing Right

We all study at the feet of giants. Even if they are only giants in our own minds, we get from where we are to where we want to be by studying others. As an aspiring writer, I look towards people who write and are not only enjoying a measure of success, but have what… Continue reading Writing Right

A Biblical Post

Don’t run, don’t run! I’m not going to talk about religion! I’m going to talk about that whole planning thing I mentioned. Remember that list that I posted, of things to do in order to achieve that level of great success that others will note? Here’s how it looks now: Get plot points vetted. Generate… Continue reading A Biblical Post

PT: Get Organized

There’s been a lot of Star Trek in my apartment lately. I’ve been introducing my wife to Deep Space 9, playing the open beta of Star Trek Online and bringing up Day Job Orchestra on YouTube when my recent negative moods have needed a little buoying. One thing that’s said quite often in Star Trek… Continue reading PT: Get Organized