Pull The Trigger

Courtesy Terribleminds You have an idea. Something’s been on your mind that you’ve been wanting to express. It’s chased its tail around in your brainpan. It’s yapping and frothing at the mouth. You know what you need to do, but it’s just so cute sometimes to see the idea act this way, especially since you’ve… Continue reading Pull The Trigger

The Real Thing

I think e-readers are cool. I like the idea of not having to cart a bunch of books, even paperback ones, onto a plane where weight is always a factor in how much you can carry and how much of a pain in the ass you’ll be to the people behind you. But it’ll be… Continue reading The Real Thing

Choose Wisely

Dichotomies of personality are fascinating to me. Studying Jungian psychological theory and philosophy could eat up a great deal of my time and probably make my reviews of films like Dark City, Inception and even The Dark Knight more interesting. But I tend to be a lazy slacker, while wanting to do things that require… Continue reading Choose Wisely

Exploring Inspiration

We get inspiration from a variety of places. It might not even be intentional. We catch sight of something, hear a snippet of conversation or music, and suddenly our mind is off on an unexpected tangent. Inspiration runs away with our concentration, laughs at our attempts to focus and taunts us with ideas and dreams… Continue reading Exploring Inspiration

Preserve the Key Ingredient

Sometimes, you have to stop yourself and realize that something’s not quite right. You’ve got some great elements put together but the end result isn’t quite as good as it could have been. There’s nothing wrong with using chocolate and butter together, and butter compliments corn, but somehow you ended up with a chocolate and… Continue reading Preserve the Key Ingredient

One's Own Hype

I’m glad that the writing competition I mentioned yesterday has a deadline in August instead of its original, which would have been tomorrow. I think I have more work to do than I thought. Creative people in general, and writers in particular, need to take care when it comes to their own hype. It’s one… Continue reading One's Own Hype

Guest Post: Fictional Plausibility And Death

Today’s guest post comes to us courtesy of Monica Flink. She’s a long-standing and very dear friend who is also struggling to get away from the day job environment through the power of the written word. She’s been published on AOL.com, Lifescript.com and eHow. She has guest lectured at colleges and is a regular contributor… Continue reading Guest Post: Fictional Plausibility And Death