Lest We Forget

I know this is a rehash of a previous post. I’m not altering a word in or after the block quote. I believe that these ideas are worth repeating, because we’re talking about people who voluntarily walk into warzones and don’t necessarily walk back out; if they do, chances are, they will never be the… Continue reading Lest We Forget

Memento Mori

For two years running I’ve made the same post on Memorial Day, which starts something like this: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana We have the country we have today because people got pissed off enough to fight for it. America’s military is based entirely on volunteer… Continue reading Memento Mori

Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Art by ~boudicca Chuck wanted a war on Christmas. Be careful what you wish for. They come, on both sides, from tales of old. From the frozen wastes yet untouched by man, from crevasses and shadows and hidden places too fearsome for even the most brave and the most crazed, from realms and holes and… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas