The Hunter in Cataclysm: Nerf Woes

Taking aim on your favorite class Every so often, Blizzard patches World of Warcraft. With dozens of dungeons, ten distinct classes and millions of players, a balancing act is inevitable. When new expansions happen, talent and gear combinations can lead to unforseen consequences, and Blizzard makes it a point not to see one class outstrip… Continue reading The Hunter in Cataclysm: Nerf Woes

The Hunter in Cataclysm: Marksmanship

Last week I kicked off an examination of the talent builds for the Hunter class in World of Warcraft since the class changed radically. I started out with Survival, my primary tree for most of the last expansion. This week we turn our aim to Marksmanship. This talent tree has also been re-balanced to have… Continue reading The Hunter in Cataclysm: Marksmanship

Surviving The Patch

He’s back, and he’s pissed. Most of the people I know who play World of Warcraft are looking forward to the latest expansion, Cataclysm. Those of us who’ve played the previous games remember Deathwing, and are pretty pleased with both his place as this expansions ‘Big Bad’ and his upgraded appearance. Because if you want… Continue reading Surviving The Patch