Bloody Streets Sample Chapter

I’ve been getting more and more mental momentum to get more writing done. I’m planning updates to my Patreon page. I’ve been carving out time for both Monday storytelling/art-making posts here and forward progress on my longer novel project and revising my shorter novella, the sequel to Cold Iron. Titled Bloody Streets, I’ve had a… Continue reading Bloody Streets Sample Chapter

Flash Fiction: The Last Saloon

After an unfortunate false start last night, I re-rolled for Chuck’s flash fiction challenge “Another Roll of the Dice“. The new rolls gave me the “Grindhouse” genre, with the elements “a troublesome dog” and “a hidden compartment”. The road stretched out into the inky darkness, pierced only by the headlights of the purring 1960 DeSoto… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Last Saloon

Book Review: Double Dead

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? It’s terrible. You’re bleary-eyed, groggy, sore from where your spouse has been elbowing you in the ribs all night to stop your snoring… and you’re starving. It’s that stomach-gnawing hunger you just can’t shake until you’ve devoured half the pantry. If that sounds familiar, you’ll… Continue reading Book Review: Double Dead

Flash Fiction: David and Victoria

For the Terribleminds flash fiction challenge, Five Words Plus One Vampire. The cockroach scuttled across the insulating layer of dust on the floor. David frowned as he swept his flashlight across the gatehouse interior. The castle had apparently been abandoned for the better part of a century, according to the locals. Nobody seemed to want… Continue reading Flash Fiction: David and Victoria

Requiem for the Masquerade

    Has it really been 20 years? Obviously it has, since the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: the Masquerade is coming. I’m definitely interested, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which the time I spent playing that game both on the table and in live action. This pending milestone, plus my… Continue reading Requiem for the Masquerade

Ghoulish Games I: Bloodlines

Halloween is right around the corner, despite the tendency of retail outlets to forget the holiday as quickly as possible. You can’t milk consumers for as much cash with costumes as you can with guilt-induced gifts for family and co-workers they don’t like. Anyway, since horror is interesting from a variety of standpoints and I… Continue reading Ghoulish Games I: Bloodlines