An Open Letter of Apology

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

In a previous post, I endeavored to explore and explain the root cause of the damaging, self-sabotaging, and toxic behaviors that lead me to my most recent hospitalization and the ramifications still being felt by those who were once partners, friends, and associates. I opened with a general apology, but did not dig into the… Continue reading An Open Letter of Apology

The Lessons Within "The Last Jedi"

Be advised: there will be spoilers in this treatise. I can’t discuss what I want to discuss without getting into detail about the plot and the arcs of the film’s characters. Fairly be ye warned. Before I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I heard about all of the negative takes on it, all of… Continue reading The Lessons Within "The Last Jedi"

The White Knight

He dons the armor polished to a mirror shine. He sharpens the sword he draws without prompt. He mounts his charger and takes off to battle. He does not think of relying upon others. He does not allow contemplations of defeat. He never hesitates, never questions, never retreats. His thoughts are on one thing, and… Continue reading The White Knight