You Are Your Work's Super-User

guest@blueinkalchemy:/$ make me a sandwich What? No! Make it yourself! guest@blueinkalchemy:/$ sudo make me a sandwich Okay. Eagle-eyed readers will see right away that I pretty blatantly stole that gag from xkcd, specifically from the unixkcd portion introduced on April Fool’s Day. I’ve done this for two reasons. One, I have sudo command lines on… Continue reading You Are Your Work's Super-User

Cycles, Trilogies & Other Fancy Words For 'Series'

While I’m busy moving myself and my Canadian half into our swank new Lansdale pad, here are some thoughts I’ve had recently concerning what was lately called “The Project”. I’d originally planned this out as a trilogy of stories to introduce the world, build up some of its history and cultures, and do my utmost… Continue reading Cycles, Trilogies & Other Fancy Words For 'Series'

Twelve Fifty

1250 was rough. I’m not referring to the year, although the Naple’s Plague certainly wasn’t a picnic for everybody. Instead, last night I sat down and raised my per-day goal from 1000 words to 1250. Now, maybe it was because I spent the first hour or so after getting home installing Oblivion on the main… Continue reading Twelve Fifty

What's In A Title?

So. The Project. Nice and enigmatic, but I doubt people will be flocking to Amazon to download it to their Kindles. Mrs. Alchemist keeps asking me why I haven’t given it a real title. Honestly, it’s because I can’t pick one. What we have here is a story with a fantasy setting. The protagonist, Asherian,… Continue reading What's In A Title?

Ten Rules For Writing Fiction: My Turn

Well, everybody’s doing it, it seems. No, not that, that’s dirty. I’m talking about this whole “Ten Rules For Writing Fiction” thing. This article got writers thinking about it, and some others – most notably the Magic Talking Beardhead – have taken it upon themselves to write up their own. Which leaves me feeling compelled… Continue reading Ten Rules For Writing Fiction: My Turn

Plowing Forward

Get plot points vetted. Generate dramatis personae document. Work out rules of languages & magic. Write the damn thing (target word count:125k) Find a publisher. From all outward appearances, not much is happening around here. Apparently the region has been ‘paralyzed’ by the recent snowstorm. It’s gone by many names – “Snowmageddon”, “Snopocalypse”, “Snotorious B.I.G.”,… Continue reading Plowing Forward