Flash Fiction: The Farmer's Child

In response to being asked to generate a random sentence. This child farms. She knows that it is work mostly done by boys. It is hard, long, muscle-snapping, back-breaking work, from sun-up until sun-down. Tools large and small are used to till the fields, harvest the grain, milk some animals, slaughter others. This child does… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Farmer's Child

Flash Fiction: The Knotted Tree

Having missed the posting of the Super Ultra Mega Game of Aspects like a champ, I fired up the Brainstormer app to get this week’s story going. The wheels gave me: Sacrifice for love, imperialist, forest animals. I may do the aforementioned Game of Aspects Thursday instead! We shall see. Engelmore considered himself no more… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Knotted Tree

Flash Fiction: Mutter

Captured by Matt Blaze For the Terribleminds challenge . Choices are listed after the story. The catacombs beneath the Mütter Museum stretched out for miles beneath the city. Between the sewer systems and the tunnels of the capitol’s mass transit system was a subterranean world few entered of their own volition. In fact, it was… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Mutter