Flash Fiction: King's Landing's Hero

I rolled for the Terribleminds ABC meets XYZ challenge, and got “Game of Thrones” meets “Batman”. I’m not sure I stopped there. Night falls on King’s Landing. I find another dog with its guts spilling into the street. This dog was a person, once. Someone’s son. Maybe someone’s husband. Once a human being, now a… Continue reading Flash Fiction: King's Landing's Hero

Flash Fiction: The Wandering Sage

The random fantasy character concept generator at the crux of this week’s Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge gave me, among others, “a foul-mouthed sage is searching for a legendary weapon.” “If this infernal heat doesn’t kill me,” Balthazar growled, “I’m sure the desert would love to fill my lungs with sand.” “Why would the Equalizer be… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Wandering Sage

Flash Fiction: The Debriefing

Courtesy Hunt for Alien Earths For the Terribleminds challenge, Five Random Sentences. “Tell us everything that happened,” General Hancock said. “Just… start from the beginning,” Professor Ashby added. “And take your time.” Clutching his tea, the pilot gave a short nod. “I’m still not entirely sure how it began. We set down on Epsilon Eridani… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Debriefing

Flash Fiction: You Don't Bring Me Dead Things Anymore

Art By Stephan Martiniere (Sources: Here and Here). For the Terribleminds challenge “The Titles Have Been Chosen“. Pleased as I am that mine, “Always Have An Exit Strategy”, was one of the finalists, I didn’t want to just pick my own title. Maybe that’s just me. “Cordelia! Where is that sulfur I asked for?” Without… Continue reading Flash Fiction: You Don't Bring Me Dead Things Anymore

Flash Fiction: What Happened to Stenz

Image courtesy My Secret London At Chuck’s behest, I entered the Secret Door, and it took me here, where I witnessed the following: Gordon, ironically enough, wasn’t terribly fond of Gordon’s. The wine bar had good vintages at good prices, it was true. It was at least a few steps from London’s main thoroughfares and… Continue reading Flash Fiction: What Happened to Stenz

Flash Fiction: The Deep And Dark Waters

In the pitch darkness of the stormy waters, he swam. Only the occasional burst of lightning far away illuminated the blackness. He was so deep, he could barely hear the thunder. Somewhere his mind was insisting that this was wrong. Waters this dark and deep should have felt unnatural in their pressure and the demands… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Deep And Dark Waters