500 Words on Chuck Wendig

Courtesy terribleminds If you don’t know who Chuck Wendig is by now… First of all, watch this. Second of all, what the hell is wrong with you? I’ve worshipped at the Altar of the Terriblemind more than once. It involves sacrifices of coffee, whiskey, tacos, and an outpouring of creative swears while dancing naked under… Continue reading 500 Words on Chuck Wendig

Flash Fiction: Extraction Team Seven

I was challenged to tell a story in Ten Little Chapters. Lieutenant Richards looked up from the orders with a frown. “I don’t like this, sir.” “What’s to like?” The colonel didn’t look at his subordinate as he circled the map on the table in the center of the room. “They’ve got intelligence, they’re pinned… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Extraction Team Seven