Flash Fiction: World's Deadliest Hunt

Chuck’s “The Business End”, from Flickr Chuck Wendig chose my words – Beast, cape, dinosaur, finger, gate, insult, justice, paradise, research, university. They were three by the time the reached the gate. Two of Johnson’s partners had backed out of the actual trip, saying they’d be satisfied with evidence. Daniels was the only one crazy… Continue reading Flash Fiction: World's Deadliest Hunt

Book Review: Shotgun Gravy

Courtesy Terribleminds Kids these days. That’s pretty much what Chuck Wendig’s Shotgun Gravy is all about. Kids these days can be crude, mean, unforgiving and downright sadistic. Bullying is every bit as bad as it’s ever been, and there comes a time when a kid needs to do more than watch videos of people saying… Continue reading Book Review: Shotgun Gravy

Flash Fiction: The Thraben Witch

Inspired by Magic: The Gathering and prompted by the Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge: One Small Story in Seven Acts Let them call her ‘heretic’ if they wished. She was a witch, no more or less. Thalia and the priesthood were never comfortable with her kind. Humanity, they professed, had no need for the tools of… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Thraben Witch

Flash Fiction Challenge: The Present Tense

Another dubious idea prompted by Terribleminds. I’m dreaming of home. I can see endless green and amber fields, feel the grain between my fingers. I hear the distant ringing of the bell bringing us in for dinner. My mother insists on being as old-fashioned as possible, while not skimping on things like transportation and communication.… Continue reading Flash Fiction Challenge: The Present Tense

Book Review: Double Dead

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? It’s terrible. You’re bleary-eyed, groggy, sore from where your spouse has been elbowing you in the ribs all night to stop your snoring… and you’re starving. It’s that stomach-gnawing hunger you just can’t shake until you’ve devoured half the pantry. If that sounds familiar, you’ll… Continue reading Book Review: Double Dead