Flash Fiction: John Doe's Journal

Courtesy istaevan For Terribleminds’ Flash Fiction Challenge Five Ingredients Make A Story: “I don’t have any idea where that storm came from.” Mark brought down the newspaper he’d been holding over Janet and himself when the squall began. They’re come back inside to get Janet’s oversized golf umbrella, which she tended to take with her… Continue reading Flash Fiction: John Doe's Journal

Flash Fiction: The House in Miller's Field

Inspired by this scary story in three sentences I wrote for Terribleminds. “How long has this house been here?” Charlene shrugged. “‘Bout as long as I can remember. I used to pass it when I went jogging in the mornings.” Sam was making his way up the overgrowth path towards the house. It was burnt… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The House in Miller's Field

Flash Fiction: The Black Dreams Pageant

Spliced together the title from these options to bring you the following: The Ringmaster grinned and bowed to the applauding audience. The Cherubs of the Trapeze were helped from the tent as the next act, Darius the Dragon-Tamer, made his way into the center ring. Balthazar watched from the side of the right-most ring, the… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Black Dreams Pageant

Flash Fiction: The Blistercoil Harness

Izzet Charm, Art by Zoltan Boros For the Terribleminds Epic Games of Aspects Redux, the d20 of Destiny instructed me to write Fanfiction about a Heist Gone Wrong featuring a Sea Monster. The small, customized keyrune did its job, unlocking the door to the facility. It was an excellent forgery, one of Grigori’s finest. Natalya… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Blistercoil Harness

Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Participating in the Terribleminds Second Game of Aspects. One hundred and fifty years of spaceflight innovation, and it’s still a pain in the ass to get a decent meal. Commander Ellington grumbled softly as he pulled himself towards the galley. He remembered times back home when just a whiff of his mother’s home cooking would… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Participating in the Terribleminds Second Game of Aspects. One hundred and fifty years of spaceflight innovation, and it’s still a pain in the ass to get a decent meal. Commander Ellington grumbled softly as he pulled himself towards the galley. He remembered times back home when just a whiff of his mother’s home cooking would… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

More Writer's Rules

See this? This here is the bearded penmonkey who is, in my mind, the whiskey-soaked Yoda to my whiny Luke Skywalker, the cuss-heavy Stranger to my bumbling Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski, the shouty Elrond to my somewhat smelly Aragorn, Chuck Wendig. He’s going to give you the secret to successful writing. Lean close. You’ll want… Continue reading More Writer's Rules

Flash Fiction: In The Pits

Courtesy the Victorian Store For the Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge, “A Game of Aspects.” His were fitter’s hands. They were meant for securing pipes, connecting cables, moving steam and electricity from one place to another. Hands meant for the labor the upper classes wanted nothing to do with. They relied on hands like his, his… Continue reading Flash Fiction: In The Pits

Flash Fiction: The South Ward

Courtesy istaevan For Terribleminds’ Flash Fiction Challenge “Sci-Fi Fantasy Open Swim“: Terrance Palmer wasn’t a field agent. Most of his days were spent in the office, examining the profiles of perpetrators to assist the investigations of braver men than him. However, Agent Burrows had tapped him specifically to ride along to the mental hospital. With… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The South Ward