Trek through Trek: The Animated Series

You might be expecting me to discuss Star Trek: The Next Generation next in this series, but that would be disingenous to the actual chronological order in which the universe of Star Trek developed over the years. For 2 seasons, the blink of an eye by the standards of some series, Star Trek returned to… Continue reading Trek through Trek: The Animated Series

Building Character: The Adversarial Ally

As Heinlein once pointed out, heroes and villains come in complimentary pairs. Sometimes the protagonist of a given tale will spend more time with or thinking about the antagonist than they do their significant other. One might even find fiction that turns the antagonist into the hero’s significant other. However, it could be argued that… Continue reading Building Character: The Adversarial Ally

Trek Through Trek: The Original Series

Between the Fan Collective DVD sets to which I have access, either through direct ownership or asking my parents very nicely, and the intelligent and hilarious opinionated reviews by sfdebris (even funnier in video format), I’ve been watching plenty of Star Trek lately. It’s not just good entertainment, it’s rich background material for anybody doing… Continue reading Trek Through Trek: The Original Series

Building Character: The Brain

Not too long ago I discussed some basics on how to build effective characters. I think some specific examples might be helpful to people trying to scribble out compelling fiction, and in the wake of NaNoWriMo, you might be looking back over your work wondering how to improve something. Hopefully, examinations of existing characters might… Continue reading Building Character: The Brain

On the Tube: Castle

I committed a major, MAJOR oversight when I posted my fall preview of television. I neglected to talk about one of my favorite shows which features one of my favorite actors. And it’s about a novelist. Nathan Fillion stars as the titular Rick Castle, a crime drama novelist who has found a measure of success.… Continue reading On the Tube: Castle

On The Tube: Fall Preview

Sweeps is once again upon us, and new shows and old favorites alike are vying for your television attention and advertising market share. Below you’ll find the shows I’ll be tuning in for and why. I have to admit this post is somewhat short and formulaic, but an appointment with the dentist and pending deadlines… Continue reading On The Tube: Fall Preview