Tabletalk: Your Table's Real Estate

Courtesy Theology of Games Space at your common table, be it in your dining room, den, or boudoir, is precious. It needs to be used wisely when it comes to entertaining. You need room for everyone to sit and be comfortable. Room for refreshments is always welcome. Games that occupy the table should make good… Continue reading Tabletalk: Your Table's Real Estate

Tabletalk: Winning in Twilight Imperium

We’ve come a long way, Your Excellency. You’ve become acquainted with the galaxy surrounding the ruined throne-world of Mecatol Rex, you’ve learned how to command your fleets and transfer forces between systems, you’re familiar with a variety of strategies, and you know how to issue commands to your Leaders, give referendums to your Representatives, and… Continue reading Tabletalk: Winning in Twilight Imperium

Tabletalk: Minions in Twilight Imperium

Pictured: The Admiral (top), General (center left), Agent (center right), Scientist (bottom left), and Diplomat (bottom right). You may think, Your Excellency, that taking control of the galaxy is a lonely prospect. Looking at your home system and the expanse of space spreading out towards the throne world, huge fleets floating silently in the void,… Continue reading Tabletalk: Minions in Twilight Imperium

Tabletalk: Strategies in Twilight Imperium

The Strategy Cards, as compared to an ordinary Reference Paw. The galaxy is a dangerous place, Your Excellency, and it is always changing. With the Lazax Empire gone and so many leaders vying for power, the situation is as mutable as the stars themselves as they wheel in their courses. If you mean to prevail,… Continue reading Tabletalk: Strategies in Twilight Imperium

Tabletalk: Tactical Actions in Twilight Imperium

Greetings, Your Excellency! You have been chosen to lead your people towards victory on the galactic stage. The Lazax Empire has been overthrown, and Mecatol Rex is yours for the taking. Perhaps. You must command vast armies, immense spacecraft, ambassadors, trade envoys, and the very industries of the planets of the former empire to defeat… Continue reading Tabletalk: Tactical Actions in Twilight Imperium