Game Review: High Command

I’m a big fan of the Iron Kingdoms universe. This steampunk fantasy setting has an interesting marriage of magic to technology, several unique-feeling yet familiar nation-states, and semi-sentient steam-powered robot warriors acting as battlefield avatars for wizards who know how to handle themselves in melee combat. Until recently, the two roads into the setting were… Continue reading Game Review: High Command

Flash Fiction: Last Flight of the Wayward Albatross

Art courtesy zombie2012 For The Wheel, Part Two, the die selected Steampunk, Someone’s Been Poisoned!, and A Secret Message. The skyline of Paramount City was normally a welcome sight. It meant coming home. Today, as Captain Taggert held the wheel of his beloved airship, he saw the skyline in a very different way. The airfighters… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Last Flight of the Wayward Albatross


[audio:] Necessity is the mother of invention. Along with being something Sherlock Holmes himself might utter while investigating a case, this idiom is also the reason I’m reviewing Guy Ritchie’s recent feature-film treatment of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective. I was originally planning to subject myself to the apparent mediocrity of The Taking of Pelham… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Sherlock Holmes

For Doctor Mercury: Like Out Of Clockwork

His practiced fingers carefully lay one gear beside the other. This painstaking work has taken years. Designs, prototypes, failures, so many have come before. And now, he’s so close. Experienced eyes peer through multiple lenses on specialized spectacles to ensure every wire, sprocket and connection are exactly where they need to be. Within its bright… Continue reading For Doctor Mercury: Like Out Of Clockwork

Game Review: BioShock 2

“Somewhere… beyond the sea, somewhere… waiting for me…” I mentioned in my review of the first BioShock that Rapture is a living, breathing entity. One of the biggest impressions made by its sequel is that the underwater city didn’t just up and disappear after the conclusion of the first game. Rapture marched on without us,… Continue reading Game Review: BioShock 2