Don't Call It A Comeback

Probes aren’t just adorable – they’re essential. There are really only two games I’d consider playing competitively on a regular basis. I don’t think I have the skills to play a first-person shooter anything but casually in multiplayer, and while I used to play CounterStrike in university, I can’t see myself devoting the time necessary… Continue reading Don't Call It A Comeback

Writers Need Editors

Kerrigan demands better motivations. She’s a strong, independent woman who don’t need no man. I don’t know how many writers would be willing to admit this. Good ones, I’d imagine. But here’s a shocking fact that may take you by surprise: no writer is an island. Even great writers who sell millions of copies don’t… Continue reading Writers Need Editors

Twenty Twelve

So here we are, folks. The calendars have been swapped, the Dramamine passed around, the coffee brewed and we stand now looking at where the sidewalk ends. It’s not like I think there’s any major cataclysm coming at the end of 2012. It’s far more likely that the Mayans simply felt that a couple thousand… Continue reading Twenty Twelve


Another season has begun in the universe of StarCraft 2. And where does it find me? Yep. Bottom rung. Nothing’s really changed. Or has it? With the new job settling into a rhythm that I can cope with, I’m starting to plan more and stress less (at least a bit). Into those plans I’m trying… Continue reading Terribronze

One Of Those 'Casuals'

I’ve been called a lot of things in my time when it comes to gaming. “Blithering idiot.” “Total bastard.” “Keyboard-turning skill-clicker.” And perhaps the most caustic of all: “mouth-breathing casual.” Most of these terms come from my wife. Ours is a happy marriage. Anyway, the last one is sticking with me because to some gamers,… Continue reading One Of Those 'Casuals'