Game Review: Half-Life 2 Episode 2

After the success of the main game, Valve embarked upon an experiment in episodic gaming, the first portion of which I’ve already reviewed. The second was the keystone in the Orange Box release, and having played it, it’s clear to see why it featured so prominently. The immersion and pacing that made the previous Half-Life… Continue reading Game Review: Half-Life 2 Episode 2

Game Review: Half-Life 2 Episode 1

Half-Life 2, as I’ve discussed, is a great game. But it leaves the player wanting more. Even people who aren’t playing it, who sit beside the player wrapped in their Snuggie watching the action unfold and occasionally laughing at player error or wincing at bad things that happen to Gordon, found themselves asking “That’s IT?!?”… Continue reading Game Review: Half-Life 2 Episode 1

Regarding Halo

The follow contains mostly my personal opinion and can probably be disregarded. The game Halo and I have something of a history. I grew up with shooters in one hand and space flight sims & strategy games in the other. When I was fed up with the politicing of my AI opponents in Master of… Continue reading Regarding Halo

Regarding Halo (Delayed)

I originally had a post here that wasn’t written very well and was full of failure, so until I can properly articulate my feelings on first person shooters in general and Halo in particular, here’s a picture of my cat looking at some snow.

Game Review: BioShock 2

“Somewhere… beyond the sea, somewhere… waiting for me…” I mentioned in my review of the first BioShock that Rapture is a living, breathing entity. One of the biggest impressions made by its sequel is that the underwater city didn’t just up and disappear after the conclusion of the first game. Rapture marched on without us,… Continue reading Game Review: BioShock 2