Game Review: Alpha Protocol

One of the things that made Wing Commander such a memorable series of video games for me, beyond the cool spaceships and neat character design, was the branching campaign. You could choose to defend a particular asset for the Confederation, or take the fight right into the Kilrathi’s furry faces; you could completely botch a… Continue reading Game Review: Alpha Protocol


[audio:] So a few years ago this new sci-fi franchise got started. It had some interesting ideas based on established literature and the first entry did a lot better than anybody could have expected. It spawned a couple of sequels that really didn’t measure up to the original but people really ate it up anyway… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! HALO Legends


[audio:] The last time I reviewed a movie that had any connection to a video game, things did not end well. On the other hand, I’ve been meaning to watch Tron, WarGames and The Last Starfighter again to see if the “holy trinity” of movies about gamers stand the test of time, especially with the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Gamer

Games I Miss

I play a lot of games. I’m in the process of preparing for my trip to MEPAcon as I write this. When other people aren’t around, however, and I don’t have the spare gas and snack money to hang out with other people, and my desire to play tabletop games goes unfulfilled for other reasons,… Continue reading Games I Miss

Reinventing the Wheel

via The San Francisco Chronicle You’ve heard the turn of phrase before. “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.” Basically it’s an argument that doesn’t necessarily invalidate innovation, but suggests that working within established constraints means less work and a lower investment of time and resources. At the same time, only going with what’s known… Continue reading Reinventing the Wheel

Full Steam Ahead

The Steam sale has pretty much reached its conclusion, and has saved many lives. After all, bees can kill with their stings, eating outside is a good way to attract ravenous bears, and have you ever taken a soccer ball to the face? Damn. That’ll mess you up. Never happens when playing Steam games. My… Continue reading Full Steam Ahead

The Advantages of Steam

Summer is here. To celebrate, Steam is having a mind-blowingly brilliant sale. They’re offering discounts on many of their packages – titles from publishers like Valve, Square Enix, Atari, Rockstar, etc. But it doesn’t stop there. Every 24 hours or so, they slash the prices on a few titles. So while normally a game that… Continue reading The Advantages of Steam

A Brief TF2 Anecdote

My wife started playing Team Fortress 2 on my X-Box live account yesterday. She said she’d gotten some things done in preparation for our move on Saturday, and wanted something ‘quick’ to fill the time. She ended up getting sucked into the epic and pitched conflict between RED and BLU. She’s discovered that she’d probably… Continue reading A Brief TF2 Anecdote