Best Self

What's up, danger?

From the moment we are born, there will be people around us who will try to tell us what we should be doing, how we should be acting, and by what metrics we should be measuring our success. The influences of our families, societies, popular media, and a host of other sources try to inform… Continue reading Best Self

500 Words on Entitlement

Here’s a simple question: what do you feel you are owed? If you put in hours and hours of your time at a job, you are owed compensation for that time, right? That’s how jobs work. If your employer says they don’t owe you anything, you have rights. You can sue their asses. You earned… Continue reading 500 Words on Entitlement

I Want To Believe

It’s a statement I’ve said many, many times, especially in the last year or so. I said it several times when I wrote this post back in January. Even in these last few months, I’ve changed, I’ve moved forward — even away from that very post! — and come more to terms with who I… Continue reading I Want To Believe

Doctor Strange Is My Hero

I’m going to take a break from pontificating on our current crisis and the implications of the resurrection of ultra-nationalism to talk about a comic book wizard. Because it’s a form of self-care and it’s something that tickles the cockles of my imagination. I used to do reviews on a fairly regular basis, and while… Continue reading Doctor Strange Is My Hero

Vlog #7: "The Road"

Click the image! What a lovely day to talk about the future. There are two roads that lead in that direction, and this week I talk about those roads and which one to take – and, more importantly, the paths we should NOT take. If you like what I’m doing with these, please feel free… Continue reading Vlog #7: "The Road"

'The Fix Is In'

This week I talk about one of my pet peeve turns of phrase. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I won’t reiterate my take on it here, because I already discussed it in the vlog (which you should totally go watch, plug plug). Instead, let me turn my attention to a very different one… Continue reading 'The Fix Is In'