Best Self

What's up, danger?

From the moment we are born, there will be people around us who will try to tell us what we should be doing, how we should be acting, and by what metrics we should be measuring our success. The influences of our families, societies, popular media, and a host of other sources try to inform… Continue reading Best Self

The Challenge

You. I challenge you. I may hear you across a room. Read your messages or tweets. See you in a mirror. Doesn’t matter. I demand satisfaction. I challenge you to love. Let compassion prevail over myopia. I challenge you to change perspective. I know another’s shoes don’t fit; that they’re painful and weird, especially to… Continue reading The Challenge

Agency and Redemption

In case this week’s vlog didn’t tip you off, I am a huge fan of Mad Max: Fury Road. Long after having seen it several times in cinemas and at home, I still want to talk about its greater meanings, implied or intended, regarding personal autonomy and agency, the depth of truly human characters, and… Continue reading Agency and Redemption

Vlog #7: "The Road"

Click the image! What a lovely day to talk about the future. There are two roads that lead in that direction, and this week I talk about those roads and which one to take – and, more importantly, the paths we should NOT take. If you like what I’m doing with these, please feel free… Continue reading Vlog #7: "The Road"

I Am My Own Ex

“If you treated a partner the way you treat yourself, would you tolerate it?” Short answer: no. Long answer: I’d dump my ass the way I was dumped. Long nights of contemplation and bouts of fighting back tears have reinforced that I was not abandoned out of a lack of love. It was limits of… Continue reading I Am My Own Ex

'The Fix Is In'

This week I talk about one of my pet peeve turns of phrase. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I won’t reiterate my take on it here, because I already discussed it in the vlog (which you should totally go watch, plug plug). Instead, let me turn my attention to a very different one… Continue reading 'The Fix Is In'

Zone Control

Paradoxically, talking about comfort zones makes me uncomfortable. Not because they are strange things, or because I don’t understand them. I do. I know consent is a vital, essential thing, and you cannot and should not cross into someone else’s comfort zone without that consent. When you do, apologize and back out. At least, if… Continue reading Zone Control