Moving On from 2017

So, 2017 is finally behind us. Or, at time of writing, it’s about to be. What a relief, right? The year seemed incredibly long. News and events that occurred around Halloween or Thanksgiving feel like they happened years ago. It was exhausting, seeing the world get yanked unwillingly into a downward spiral perpetuated by a… Continue reading Moving On from 2017

The Lonely Road to "Better"

I have a confession to make. I don’t always fully disclose what I’m thinking or how I’m feeling. It’s not that I intend to engage in deception, obfuscation, or lies of omission. In my mind, I consider other issues far more important than something that occupies the entirety of a single head weasel’s diatribe. When… Continue reading The Lonely Road to "Better"

Seriously, DFTBA

I am not composed of cells and tissue. I am composed entirely of awesome. So are you, provided you haven’t forgotten that fact. It’s an easy thing to forget, really. We live in a sad, fettered world that’s all about the gains and advantages, the one-upmanship and quick victories, the lionization of the false self-image… Continue reading Seriously, DFTBA

Thine Own Self

In Hamlet, Polonius is a bit of a pompous windbag. Nobody really minds when he dies (spoilers) though the ramifications of that murder kind of tip things into the downhill spiral of death and despair that defines the climax of the tragedy. But before he reaches his stabbity end, he does utter one bit of… Continue reading Thine Own Self

The Challenge

You. I challenge you. I may hear you across a room. Read your messages or tweets. See you in a mirror. Doesn’t matter. I demand satisfaction. I challenge you to love. Let compassion prevail over myopia. I challenge you to change perspective. I know another’s shoes don’t fit; that they’re painful and weird, especially to… Continue reading The Challenge


When something comes up that causes involuntary reactions, that triggers us, we need to be able to step back from the incident and determine why it occurred. More often than not, something in our past imposes itself upon the present, and pushes us to act in defense of a perceived threat. I mentioned in a… Continue reading Ruins