The Lived-In Universe

For a long time, space travel in fiction was predominantly shiny. Long, slender, cigar-shaped rockets predominantly made of chrome blasted off towards the stars. More often than not, equally shiny flying saucers spun their way towards our suburban homes to shower our Sunday barbecues with death rays. I am exaggerating a bit, but what I’m… Continue reading The Lived-In Universe

Movie Review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

I have a soft spot in my heart for what I and others call ‘big idea’ science fiction. You see, sci-fi is not always whiz-bang laser fights and exotic, distant worlds. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a work of science fiction, as is Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. Without aliens, particle beams, faster than light starships or… Continue reading Movie Review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Flash Fiction: Rapunzel in Orbit

Courtesy Hunt for Alien Earths This Terribleminds Fairy Tales Remixed challenge is right up my alley, and when the d20 rolled up “hard sci-fi”, it felt like Christmas all over again. The planet was desolate, inhospitable, and far from any civilization. Which meant it was pretty much perfect. Christopher Prince bent near one of the… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Rapunzel in Orbit

Flash Fiction: Mission to Sirius

This week, for The Subgenre Smash-And-Grab, the d20 Ring picked Space Opera and Technothriller. The intelligence report appeared one letter after another on Commander Dane’s data-pad, red letters turning green as they were decrypted by the star cruiser Intrepid‘s onboard AI. He frowned, and turned to the lieutenant keeping pace with him as he strode… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Mission to Sirius

Movie Review: Elysium

The summer of 2013 has been a difficult one in terms of finding truly great films. Most of the fare out there is either sequels or trash, and sometimes trashy sequels. Original ideas seemed few and far between. For the most part, I was looking forward to two films that looked like they might breathe… Continue reading Movie Review: Elysium