Game Review: Portal 2 (single-player)

Oh. It’s you. It’s been a long time. How have you been? I’ve been really busy being dead. You know? After you murdered me? I didn’t feel I could open a review of Portal 2‘s single player campaign any other way. When the original game was released as a supplemtary portion of Valve Software’s Orange… Continue reading Game Review: Portal 2 (single-player)

What VVVVVV's Music Says

One of the best things about indy platformer VVVVVV is its infectious chiptune music. It compliments the story of gravity-flipping Captain Veridian’s quest to rescue his crew from the 8-bit perils of the mysterious other dimension. Souleye, the composer, brilliantly uses the tools available in a minimal environment as much as the game itself does,… Continue reading What VVVVVV's Music Says

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Prince of Persia

[audio:] Translating a story from one medium to another can be a tricky prospect. Video games in particular have had a rough time getting comfortably adapted from their interactive medium to non-interactive means of storytelling such as book or movies. Some seem more inclined for this sort of translation than others on concept alone –… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Prince of Persia

Meaty Goodness

It seems simple at first. You’re a boy made of meat, and you’re in love with Bandage Girl. The good news is, Bandage Girl loves you too. The bad news is, Dr. Fetus hates everybody and YOU especially, so he beats you up and kidnaps Bandage Girl. Your quest to rescue her is a side-scrolling… Continue reading Meaty Goodness