Lather, Rinse, Repeat

I know I said that reviews would be happening on Fridays, and I’m bound to have something worth reviewing next week. This week, though, has been difficult. I still don’t believe this is the space for me to delve too deeply into my personal headspace difficulties. That’s what Tumblr’s for, and I posted over there… Continue reading Lather, Rinse, Repeat

New Year's Changes

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted lists of resolutions or any of the other traditional things that ring in the new year. You may have also noticed that I’m having a bit of a struggle maintaining the old schedule I used to have of what gets posted when. There are reasons for both… Continue reading New Year's Changes

So This Is Christmas

Hanukkah has come and gone, Christmas is right around the corner, and Kwanzaa begins right after that. We’re in the thick of what’s colloquially known as ‘the holiday season’. This is a time of warm wishes and good cheer. I certainly hope you have both of those. Me, I’m struggling. Don’t get me wrong, I’m… Continue reading So This Is Christmas

A Personal Day

I exhausted a good portion of my morning energy laying out some personal thoughts over on Tumblr. I don’t like putting deeply personal stuff here if I can help it, but if you’re curious as to what my actual internal headspace looks like, give the above a click. It’s a bit long and I’m completely… Continue reading A Personal Day

Dad Bias

This weekend turned out to be busier than I thought it would be. Hence, no flash fiction until tomorrow. And it’s going to be difficult for me. I have to write about a “bad dad”. I have to say my exposure to examples that I can relate to personally is somewhat limited, because I’ve been… Continue reading Dad Bias