Return Of The Blue

I can’t even begin to fully articulate what the last few weeks have been like for me. Hospital. Near-eviction. Rapid, rabid mood swings. Disastrous car trouble. More car trouble. Moving. PAX. Yelling. Broken phones. Tears. And yet… Here I am. Whole. Unbowed. Determined. Unbent. Successful. Unbroken. If I can survive this, I can probably survive… Continue reading Return Of The Blue

Gone Dark

The last few days have not been kind to me. Oh, the weekend was a blast. Any chance I get to see the wonderful friends I’m now close enough to see more than once a year is a good one. I managed to go to a soccer match for the first time in a long… Continue reading Gone Dark

From The Vault: Why Take This Matters

I’m still shaking off the doldrums and getting myself back on track. While I make more steps towards that, please feel free to read over this post about one of the best initiatives I’ve ever had the pleasure of helping with, even as a source of moral and financial support. It’s important. It’s dangerous to… Continue reading From The Vault: Why Take This Matters

Masks Off

I’ve had kind of a shitty week. I haven’t heard from recruiters. Barely a word from the dayjob leads I’m pursuing on my own. I’ve had difficulties in maintaining focus, getting words out, not being pulled into discussions on the Internet. Hell, I finally went to bed at a reasonable hour last night, and I… Continue reading Masks Off