PAX Prep

I’d love to have something insightful or meaningful to say about writing or storytelling this morning. The truth is, I’m all but tapped out. I’m gearing up for PAX East 2013, where I will be working as an Enforcer. Unfortunately I am more stressed than I am excited; there’s a snag with the scheduling and… Continue reading PAX Prep

Writer Report: Ongoing Change

Things continue to change around here, mostly for the better. The workout regimen is causing some pain, but I expected that. My gym membership entitles me to a free training session, which I will use to ensure I’m executing my lifts correctly, and also that I’m using the right apparatus for attempts at chin-ups. Some… Continue reading Writer Report: Ongoing Change

Sympathy, Courtesy, and Taste

There’s a part of me that longs for convention floors. I just love being a part of an inclusive, open-minded crowd gathered in one place for the common enjoyment of a hobby or interest. I’ve been writer’s conferences, anime conventions, and gaming expos, and they all give me this positive, uplifting charge that can last… Continue reading Sympathy, Courtesy, and Taste