500 Words on Isolationism

The balance between work and life has yet to be fully struck. I’m still only a few weeks into the gig, and though I’m more comfortable being where I am and working alongside a dedicated, energetic, generous, and honest gentleman, the commute still drains me and the work presents new challenges to my logical skills… Continue reading 500 Words on Isolationism


Assassination is a selfish, cowardly act. Case in point: last night, a rhino was assassinated. The term is usually applied to an individual of prominence, for fame or a political end, but I feel that doesn’t encompass the full depravity of the act. Assassination is murder for profit. Plain and simple. And Vince’s assassination is… Continue reading Assassination

The Patriarchy's Poison

Given the current state of affairs at home and abroad, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how we got here. When you get right down to it, the root of the problem is what needs to be addressed. As bad as things can seem with the in-your-face nature of the situation in the… Continue reading The Patriarchy's Poison


This was a terrorist attack. Looking at the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election in the United States, that is the only conclusion that makes sense to me. Granted, I’m no authority on such matters, but the evidence points to a large number of voters who did not respond to polls, organized and mobilized in… Continue reading Untitled

The White Knight

He dons the armor polished to a mirror shine. He sharpens the sword he draws without prompt. He mounts his charger and takes off to battle. He does not think of relying upon others. He does not allow contemplations of defeat. He never hesitates, never questions, never retreats. His thoughts are on one thing, and… Continue reading The White Knight