Girls in Gaming

I touched on this subject yesterday, and it’s something that I’d like to expand upon. Basically, there’s a tendency among both game designers and game players to marginalize, sexualize or downright denigrate the role of women both in the games and playing games. It’s a stupid, misogynistic and shockingly accepted behavior, and I really wish… Continue reading Girls in Gaming

Regarding Feedback & Encouragement

“The Enrichment Center promises to always provide safe testing environments. In dangerous testing environments, the Enrichment Center promises to always provide useful advice. For instance, the floor here will kill you. Try to avoid it.” This is GLaDOS’ way of providing feedback & encouragement. Needless to say, there are some moments in Portal at which… Continue reading Regarding Feedback & Encouragement

Zynga vs. The World

Sigh. I was going to write about Maschine Zeit some more, since I spent some time yesterday working on a little promotional material and trying to drum up some interest. It really made me miss a gaming store in Conshohoken called “The Roundtable” that had a great staff, fantastic atmosphere and fun events. I’d be… Continue reading Zynga vs. The World

About Amateurs

The word “amateur” has a bad connotation. You might look at an art’s student attempt to recreate the Mona Lisa, or a mod for Half-Life designed to make it look like Wolfenstien 3-D, or an Uwe Boll film and say “Ew, that’s completely amateur.” By that, you’re likely to mean “poorly designed, conceived or executed,… Continue reading About Amateurs

One-Trick Ponies

Some people are good at just one thing. There’s nothing wrong with this. While you don’t want to over-emphasize specialization in any endeavor, as you never know when something outside of your specialization is going to come along and topple your entire plan, trying to be good at everything usually means you’re just mediocre in… Continue reading One-Trick Ponies

Regarding Halo

The follow contains mostly my personal opinion and can probably be disregarded. The game Halo and I have something of a history. I grew up with shooters in one hand and space flight sims & strategy games in the other. When I was fed up with the politicing of my AI opponents in Master of… Continue reading Regarding Halo