Writer Report: Moving Forward

Cold Streets is a slow burner. By that, I mean it’s taking me a while to really get set on fire over it. I’m working on it, and I like what’s happening so far, I just haven’t carved out a great deal of time lately to put more words in sequence. I have a move… Continue reading Writer Report: Moving Forward


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/gangster_no_1.mp3] ‘Crime drama’ is a pretty broad spectrum for stories. Some are from the perspective of those on the people’s side of the law, following detectives and prosecutors in their pursuit of justice. Others give us the point of view of the individual criminal, from the ones trying to rise above a life of crime… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Gangster No. 1


{No audio this week, still adjusting to the new work schedule.} I’m sure that most of the people reading this review have at least one dog-eared copy of a paperback novel lying around somewhere. Let me ask you something: why have you read that book more than once? I’m willing to hazard a guess. Even… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Shutter Island

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans

[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/bad_lieutenant.mp3] In 1992, vocal independent director Abel Ferrara teamed up with Harvey Keitel to make Bad Lieutenant, the story of an abusive and sleazy cop of the NYPD charged with solving the case of a raped nun. While he was self-indulgent, scandalous and even downright cruel, there existed a glimmer of humanity in the man… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans