IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Seige Tale

[audio:] The more new movies come out, the more it seems that Hollywood is almost completely out of original ideas. Even James Cameron’s Avatar is only slightly original, as we’ve had the “humans are assholes invading peaceful aliens” plot as recently as earlier this year with Battle for Terra. And then there’s the news that… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Seige Tale


[audio:] Historical thrillers work if the story, acting and direction can draw you into their world and make you forget about the fact you know how the story’s going to end. Titanic, for me, fails because I kept waiting for the boat to hit the iceberg and sink. Oh – sorry, spoiler warning there. Anyway,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Valkyrie


[audio:] With it’s bright colors, animal characters and a co-protagonist nowhere near puberty, it would be easy to dismiss Up as a kid’s movie. And while there are things in the film that kids will like and cause them to want to watch the movie repeatedly, there are themes, characterizations and nuances that will fly… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Up


[audio:] Push came out in the midst of the resurgence of the super-hero film. After the success of X-Men and Spider-Man, and the advent of Heroes on television, there have been super-hero stories both good and bad brought to the big screen. Comparisons between Push and, say, Iron Man are pretty much inevitable. While it… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Push

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Rise: Blood Hunter

(special request by Monica Flink. Thanks for your support!) [audio:] Vampires killing vampires really isn’t anything new. It’s ground that’s been trod pretty heavily. But while Blade focuses on gadgetry and the badassness of Wesley Snipes, and Underworld deals with the world of normal people as little as possible, Rise: Blood Hunter tells a tight,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Rise: Blood Hunter


(special request by Daniel Evan Cochran-Smith. Thanks for your support!) [audio:] So The Blair Witch Project was an indy success and groundbreaking in the horror genre. And everybody loves zombies for one reason or another. Putting the two together is like getting your chocolate in my peanut butter, right? Well, it could be. Quarantine shows… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Quarantine

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Special: Changeling Audio

Despite the fact I’m doing something else for the Escapist’s video contest, I still have this audio from my last IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! feature. If this format isn’t too atrocious, I might do another of these. [audio:] Download the MP3 here. Original text is here.

Works In Progress II: Electric Boogaloo

So between items I need to fix for my day job, here’s a few snapshots of things I’d rather be doing with my time this morning. Poor Lighthouse. I keep meaning to bang out more words in that novel but other things keep coming up. It’s only going to be an e-book, sure, but it’s… Continue reading Works In Progress II: Electric Boogaloo

A Visit From My Muse

So I was planning on getting more work done on the video adaptation of my review of Changeling, and was in the process of getting my web development tasks out of the way when my muse snuck up behind me, sat on my lap and lathered me with inspiration. It wasn’t really appropriate for the… Continue reading A Visit From My Muse


[audio:] It wasn’t too long ago when the words ‘A Clint Eastwood Film’ described an action flick featuring a character that was either Dirty Harry Callahan, The Man With No Name or somebody who existed between the two. Clint Eastwood is someone along the lines of Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino: a star with a… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Changeling