500 Words on Fear

When people look at all of the crimes being committed in the US, from corrupt and unhinged leadership to murder in the streets by emboldened hate groups, it can be difficult to see the fuel that drives such things. A good portion of it is ignorance, another is projection and feelings of disenfranchisement. But, at… Continue reading 500 Words on Fear

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Inglorious Basterds

[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/basterds.mp3] The 2010 Academy Awards are a fading memory. By now most of the Internet has moved on to more interesting things, like porn stars playing D&D. However, if I might indulge your attention for a few minutes, I’d like to discuss one of the films that was in contention for best of the year.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Inglorious Basterds