Courtesy Floating Robes Hey, you out there! Yes, you! Aspiring novelist! Getting geared up for NaNoWriMo? Got some ideas? Pencils sharpened, pens inked, paper at the ready? Excellent! I wish you the best of luck. I won’t be participating this year. Or… maybe ever. Don’t get me wrong. I like the concept. It’s a structured… Continue reading NaNoWriNOW

From the Vault: Turning Negatives into Positives

How’s NaNoWriMo going? Are you frustrated? Angry? Maybe feeling some despair? Read on. This might help. Nobody feels fantastic all the time, at least not without heavy drinking or severe medication. Creative people are, by and large, emotional and thus emotional blindsides getting hit can knock you right off of the rails you’d been riding… Continue reading From the Vault: Turning Negatives into Positives

Be A Pitch Machine

This is going to be yet another one of those “advice I should follow myself before I dispense it” posts. I, like many other authors, have been rejected far more often than I’ve been accepted. From big publishing houses to small press folks, I’ve heard the word NO at least a dozen times before hearing… Continue reading Be A Pitch Machine

Welcome to Scrivener: Getting Started

Since I was asked… scriv·en·er (skrv-nr, skrvnr) n. 1. A professional copyist; a scribe: “Gutenberg’s invention of movable type . . . took words out of the sole possession of monastic scriveners and placed them before the wider public” (Irvin Molotsky). 2. A notary. Last week I gave an introduction to and brief overview of… Continue reading Welcome to Scrivener: Getting Started

On NaNo & Scrivener

So National Novel Writing Month – NaNoWriMo to you Web-savvy types – is right around the corner. I know a few of my fellow pensmiths will be participating in the event, and I’m more than happy to offer my support, encouragement and advice. But I, for one, won’t be participating. The simple reason for this… Continue reading On NaNo & Scrivener