Reignition, Part 3

Art courtesy Steve Argyle [spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Previously… The darksteel tendrils rattled and… Continue reading Reignition, Part 3

Reignition, Part 2

Art courtesy Xoaba [spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Previously… Dominarian taverns always felt like home,… Continue reading Reignition, Part 2

Reignition, Part 1

[spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Hundreds of years invested in study and spellcraft, and yet,… Continue reading Reignition, Part 1

Tabletop as Brain Food

I’ve put myself on a path to improve my physical well-being. Being more mindful of what and how much I eat, walking with the intent to start running, looking into a local gym, and so on. Mostly, I fear the atrophy that comes with a sedentary day job and an equally low-impact life at home,… Continue reading Tabletop as Brain Food

Building a Legacy

Art by Mike Bierek Now that I have played an official Legacy event of Magic: the Gathering, I find myself even more interested in this robust format. Specifically, I’m curious about a number of the decks in the format. I saw quite a few at the event, running all sorts of strategies from naked flat-out… Continue reading Building a Legacy

Limited Magic: BREW It Up

Art by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai I’ve written a great deal about Constructed play in Magic: the Gathering, but it isn’t the only format out there. While everything from Standard to Commander falls under the Constructed umbrella, there are other ways to play the game that don’t involve spending a great deal of time… Continue reading Limited Magic: BREW It Up

The Legacy of Magic

Art by Greg Staples I’ve been playing Magic: the Gathering off and on since I was introduced to it in high school almost 20 years ago. Quite a few things have changed in the game since then, but nothing in the game has changed so dramatically that the old cards are strictly unplayable. In fact,… Continue reading The Legacy of Magic