Return of the Jedi (or possibly Sith)

Maybe it’s because I’m hopeful Guardians of the Galaxy evokes the old feelings of wonder that came with A New Hope. Maybe it’s the discovery of the excellent X-Wing Miniatures game. Maybe it’s just nostalgia. But whatever the cause, I have been on a sizable Star Wars kick lately, and a big part of that… Continue reading Return of the Jedi (or possibly Sith)

The "Real Game" Has Begun

A surprisingly provincial addition to a world full of dragons and wizards. When I’ve played MMOs previously, especially World of Warcraft, the prevailing sentiment has been that ‘the real game begins’ at the maximum level a character can achieve. For the most part, this has applied to large-group raid or player-versus-player content. Not everybody is… Continue reading The "Real Game" Has Begun

Space Shooters Return

“War. War has changed.” It’s been a while since I’ve played Tribes: Ascend. While I still think the skiing movement mechanic and the unique weapons make it fun in the middle of the game, some of the periphery aspects of the game and its business model left me feeling sour. It’s hard to stay invested… Continue reading Space Shooters Return

First Impressions: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

The environments have some great detail. If you’re even tangentially connected to video games that deviate from the big cash-cow options of linear, realistic first-person shooters and endorsed sports simulations, chances are you’ve heard of a game called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. After all, it isn’t often when a new IP makes it out of… Continue reading First Impressions: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

An Open Letter to Blizzard Entertainment

*sniff* Dear Blizzard Entertainment, I’ve been a fan of your work since the days of Warcraft 2. I’ve played games in all three of your major IPs and enjoyed every one. I’ve begun playing StarCraft 2 in a competitive sense (even though I suck) and I’ve watched the development of Diablo 3 with interest. However,… Continue reading An Open Letter to Blizzard Entertainment