From The Vault: The "Real Game" Has Begun

Life’s upheaval shows no sign of really ending, but there are lulls in the quakes. In some of them I’ve started inching back towards Azeroth. I suspect I’ll still be doing a lot of the things listed below, so here’s my take on the end-game content in the game’s current iteration. A surprisingly provincial addition… Continue reading From The Vault: The "Real Game" Has Begun

The "Real Game" Has Begun

A surprisingly provincial addition to a world full of dragons and wizards. When I’ve played MMOs previously, especially World of Warcraft, the prevailing sentiment has been that ‘the real game begins’ at the maximum level a character can achieve. For the most part, this has applied to large-group raid or player-versus-player content. Not everybody is… Continue reading The "Real Game" Has Begun