I Want To Believe

It’s a statement I’ve said many, many times, especially in the last year or so. I said it several times when I wrote this post back in January. Even in these last few months, I’ve changed, I’ve moved forward — even away from that very post! — and come more to terms with who I… Continue reading I Want To Believe

The New Diagnosis

First things first: the vlog returns next week. Balthazar is back up and running, things are smooth there, and I have plenty of spoons to illustrate the Spoon Theory for folks who are unfamiliar. So, stay tuned for that. At the expense of being blunt: I trigger people. People’s feelings are not invalid. Nor are… Continue reading The New Diagnosis

Vlog #7: "The Road"

Click the image! What a lovely day to talk about the future. There are two roads that lead in that direction, and this week I talk about those roads and which one to take – and, more importantly, the paths we should NOT take. If you like what I’m doing with these, please feel free… Continue reading Vlog #7: "The Road"

Vlog #6: "The Rage"

Click the image! Frustration. Anger. Rage. They’re not synonyms; they’re a progression of negativity and potentially destructive emotions. This week, I lay out that progression, face some of my own issues, and find a way through bad moments towards better ones. If you like what I’m doing with these, please feel free to subscribe or… Continue reading Vlog #6: "The Rage"

'The Fix Is In'

This week I talk about one of my pet peeve turns of phrase. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I won’t reiterate my take on it here, because I already discussed it in the vlog (which you should totally go watch, plug plug). Instead, let me turn my attention to a very different one… Continue reading 'The Fix Is In'