Fan Fiction Is Not Evil

That little piece I wrote yesterday for Chuck’s latest challenge is fan fiction. I’m comfortable with that. I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with fan fiction, per se, and I’ve discussed it in the past. I think there’s something wrong with it, though, when it’s done badly. I know that fan fiction can carry… Continue reading Fan Fiction Is Not Evil

Keep Yourself Out

Phillip Pullman has published an article expressing his dislike of stories in the present tense. He makes some good points about some of the limitations of present tense, which I feel extend to some of the limitations of first person perspective. But that’s a subject for another post. What came to mind even as I… Continue reading Keep Yourself Out

Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a film that’s difficult to put into a genre. Its central story is, at first glance, a romance. A great deal of the dialog is comedic. But how many romantic comedies do you know where the conflicts are resolved through kung-fu matches? And how many kung-fu battles have you… Continue reading Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Warcraft RPers: You're Doing It Wrong.

I’ve touched on this briefly in this post and must once again point you fine folks in the direction of Warcraft Sues to give you an idea of what the hell I’m talking about. I’m going to rant a bit, and that means there’ll be some naughty words. Consider the cut below the metaphorical covering… Continue reading Warcraft RPers: You're Doing It Wrong.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Fan Fiction

You don’t improve your skills in anything unless you practice. Baseball players go to batting cages, tennis players use automated ball machines, shooters go to gun ranges. Where do writers go? In recent years, a lot of fans of popular media have been writing short pieces of fiction based in the fictional worlds they enjoy.… Continue reading The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Fan Fiction