Well, this is embarassing…

Well, crap. This is my own fault. I completely forgot to set up a post for today before I left. Nor did I write any “backup” posts to toss up here in cases like this. So, instead, here’s a picture of Dame Helen Mirren with a machine gun. More on this awesomeness tomorrow, possibly.

Recovery All Around

I’m still a little sore and feeling somewhat post-op after yesterday’s wisdom tooth extraction, but two side effects have emerged. One is the occasional nosebleed, but I haven’t had one since yesterday (or last night, I think) and the other is these fucking hiccups. Seriously, hiccups annoy me. It makes it difficult for me to… Continue reading Recovery All Around

Spit 'n' Polish: GameX

So this thing happened to me over the weekend. Here are some of the highlights. Yes, that’s me with Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation and Paul & Graham of Unskippable over at The Escapist. If you think that Yahtzee is unapproachable or caustic because of his yellow-background minimalist Internet persona, you’re a moron. Paul & Graham… Continue reading Spit 'n' Polish: GameX

Works in Progress

I mentioned in my last LiveJournal entry that with everything going on, despite working weekends to try and make ends meet, I don’t feel stagnant and things are moving forward. GameX begins tomorrow and I’m very much looking forward to it. I’m still not settled on the format for the video supplements for my Netflix… Continue reading Works in Progress

Running a Bit Behind

The good thing about having a real job is keeping busy and feeling like a professional, from constructive meetings to wall-banging over client idiocy. The bad thing is less time to invest in things like writing and blogging. I’ve known what I wanted to blog about but haven’t had the time during the day to… Continue reading Running a Bit Behind

Blog Schedule

It’s been too long since I’ve updated this space, and for that I apologize. I think what I need to do is lay out a schedule for updates and stick to it. So, here’s my plan: Mondays – Movies & Events. Review of movies I’ve seen, news on upcoming features from various sources, discussion of… Continue reading Blog Schedule