There Can Be Only One

My sister’s Commander. She gains life. A LOT of life. My family has become pretty keen on the “newest” Magic: the Gathering format. I put the quotes around ‘newest’ because it’s a format that’s actually been around for a while, underground & independent. But like the rockers who have to trade in their hipster glasses… Continue reading There Can Be Only One

Don't Dodge This Draft

Cutest little cause for victory there ever was. Magic: the Gathering is, like many nerdy diversions, something of an expensive hobby. It’s also similar to things like MMORPGs in that the players are on the prowl for rare items to improve their performance, and that certain arrangements and combinations are ‘best’. In the formats for… Continue reading Don't Dodge This Draft

Multiple Multiverses

They’re everywhere. They persist in existing when logic and reason insist they shouldn’t. They entice us with wonders and haunt us with dangers. They are worlds beyond our own, worlds beyond even the basic strictures of the fantasies we create. Other worlds, other planes, other universes – and we’re at the crossroads. Take for example… Continue reading Multiple Multiverses

Full Burners

Courtesy Terribleminds The best way for me to avoid feeling the doldrums of both the season and my situation are to stay busy. I throw myself into my writing during the commute and immerse myself in games and other media while I’m home. Yes, I’m an awful procrastinator when it comes to chores because of… Continue reading Full Burners

Heavy Metalcraft

When I last talked specifically about Magic: the Gathering I mentioned the latest edition. I should make special mention of Scars of Mirrodin. I’ve always been a fan of artifacts, and now with the return of this plane to prominence and the prospect of recruiting a planeswalker whose entire shtick is artifice and I’m on… Continue reading Heavy Metalcraft

Paging Doctor Strange

As much as I never really got into reading his stories on a regular basis, I’m a big fan of Doctor Strange. Marvel’s a world full of armored geniuses, super-soliders and Viking gods. Standing right beside them is this bookworm, a former surgeon who managed to become Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme? How did he do it?… Continue reading Paging Doctor Strange

The Gathering Grows

Art by Kaja Foglio Remember how I mentioned that I’m playing Magic: the Gathering again? I’m not the only one. My niece has taken up the hobby, both of her parents play and my friends in Chesterbrook are trying to nail down a date in December for a Magic night. I’ve blown the dust off… Continue reading The Gathering Grows