Free Fiction: The Jovian Gambit

Continuing experiments in cross-pollination between old myths and newer storytelling genres. They didn’t have spaceships and ray guns in ancient Greece, after all. As always, you can download the PDF or read the text after the spoiler tags. However you enjoy your fiction, this is how to do it. [spoiler] Tranquility Base was a misleading… Continue reading Free Fiction: The Jovian Gambit

Everything's Cooler in Space, even Canned Goods!

My work computer decided there was no point in being productive after the old UPS finally kicked the bucket. So, since I have very little time at the moment, here’s a look at some of the Perks I’ve dreamed up for the sci-fi tabletop RPG. Enjoy. Perks Perks are either passive or active. Passive Perks… Continue reading Everything's Cooler in Space, even Canned Goods!

The Jovian Flight

Is the advent of scientific progress worth the cost?  The first in a series based loosely on Greek myths, this story examines the priorities of those interested in pushing the boundaries of science. ~ ~ ~ Professor Daedalus was in an extremely agitated state. It was the first time his proposed method of traveling faster… Continue reading The Jovian Flight