Ballad of the Doomguy

I’ve been playing a lot of 2016’s DOOM lately. It hearkens back to the shooters of my youth. There’s a lot of catharsis in blasting demons with cool weapons and punching them in the face. The levels are large and they reward exploration with opportunities to customize your preferred blasting methods and adorable figurines. Perhaps… Continue reading Ballad of the Doomguy

Guest Post: Zen and the Art of Writing

Aron Anthony is a freelance Graphic Designer, writer, and yoga instructor. He has written several short stories and two books, which received a number of impressive rejection letters. His third book, it on it’s second editing for publication. Lost Gods is a dark humorous sci-fi/fantasy adventure. A re-telling of Olympian mythology, Lost Gods is the… Continue reading Guest Post: Zen and the Art of Writing

Not-so-new Rules

George Carlin gave us some new rules to follow back in 2006. To make sure you have all been doing your due diligence, here they are again. Enjoy. EDIT: I have been informed that these rules actually belong to Bill Maher, but since I like George more and miss him terribly, I’m not changing the… Continue reading Not-so-new Rules

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