[audio:] We all need reminders from time to time. Soldiers visit war memorials to remember why we fight. You can turn on the television or look up a few political websites to remember why you vote the way you do. And when you’re involved with entertainment, especially if you review movies for one reason or… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Bugs

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Repo! The Genetic Opera

This week’s IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! brought to you by a generous donation from Kimberly Franco. Thank you for your support! [audio:!.mp3] Here we have something of an odd specimen. In most musical productions, the idea is to either use the songs for comedic effect or to underscore the powerful emotions in play during a… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Repo! The Genetic Opera


{No audio this week, still adjusting to the new work schedule.} I’m sure that most of the people reading this review have at least one dog-eared copy of a paperback novel lying around somewhere. Let me ask you something: why have you read that book more than once? I’m willing to hazard a guess. Even… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Shutter Island

Requiem for the Masquerade

    Has it really been 20 years? Obviously it has, since the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: the Masquerade is coming. I’m definitely interested, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which the time I spent playing that game both on the table and in live action. This pending milestone, plus my… Continue reading Requiem for the Masquerade


{No audio this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.} The nice thing about not being an official or professional movie critic is I can be surprised by things. I’ll read, watch and listen to other reviews and keep an eye and ear on the upcoming stuff hitting cinemas, but for the most part when I… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Predators

Guest Post: Movie Review: Dreamcatcher

As you read this I am driving up towards the Great White North. While I deal with traffic, border shenanigans and the quest for a cup of Tim Horton’s, enjoy this review of Dreamcatcher, courtesy of Monica Flink. Please check out her blog, at Poached Prose. When I find something true, or originally mind-blowing enough… Continue reading Guest Post: Movie Review: Dreamcatcher


[audio:] When I was growing up I would hear of stories, movies or episodes of television that were touted as ‘not for the faint of heart.’ They promised thrills and surprises aimed at an adult audience, one that could handle the nature of the material. Not that they wouldn’t have nightmares afterward, mind you, just… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Splice


[audio:] Not every adaptation has to be 100% accurate in its translation of the source material. I mean, honestly, how would the Lord of the Rings film trilogy had been helped by the presence of Tom Bombadil? In spite of his absence, the films are faithful to the spirit of the books, encapsulating the epic… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Lady Death

MEPAcon Fall 2010 After-Action Report

In Pennsylvania’s northern reaches, amongst mountains wreathed in fog and criss-crossing freeways, the Ramada at Clark’s Summit feels like a secluded retreat from big-city civilization. It’s a nice hotel in an interesting position, and twice a year it plays host to the Mid-Eastern Pennsylvania gaming convention, a.k.a. MEPAcon. This was my first experience at this… Continue reading MEPAcon Fall 2010 After-Action Report