Flash Fiction: Cup of Comfort

Courtesy istaevan The series at Terribleminds continues… ++++++++++++++++++ Part 1: Josee De Angelis ++++++++++++++++++ Of course it would rain today. It couldn’t be nice and sunny. Perfectly crappy weather for a crappy day. Shane dragged her luggage down the hall, her box of books under her arm, all her hats on her head – good… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Cup of Comfort

The Creeps

Slasher movies and torture porn will always have their place at Halloween and in the hearts and minds of horror fans. For me, effective and lasting horror does not necessarily have anything to do with buckets of blood or how stomach-turning the visuals are. Sometimes, the most penetrating stories of terror have less to do… Continue reading The Creeps

Flash Fiction: Bump In The Night Raven

From the Terribleminds challenge “Last Lines First” comes… “Truth be told, I’m not sure any of them are actually dead.” The mug of coffee shook in the engineer’s hands. The nails were chipped and the fingers calloused from years of cleaning, changing, tightening, and banging the many moving parts required for jump drives. The man… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Bump In The Night Raven

Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

According to Wikipedia, the 16th President of the United States was the son of a farmer and carpenter who went into the practice of law and later entered politics, prompted at least in part by the ongoing presence of slavery in the country. He had a talent for writing speeches and legislation, struggled to keep… Continue reading Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Flash Fiction: Mutter

Captured by Matt Blaze For the Terribleminds challenge . Choices are listed after the story. The catacombs beneath the Mütter Museum stretched out for miles beneath the city. Between the sewer systems and the tunnels of the capitol’s mass transit system was a subterranean world few entered of their own volition. In fact, it was… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Mutter

Flash Fiction: Stella's Corner Hitching Post

This one was tough. For the Terribleminds Game of Aspects (Halloweenie Edition) the d10 of Destiny dictated: Southern Gothic Evil Awakens! Strip Club Stage Magic Hoo boy. Happy Halloween! It was another hot, muggy night, but the wind was low, meaning the mugginess was not supplemented by the heavy, muddy water of the bayou. Still,… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Stella's Corner Hitching Post