Lest We Forget

I know this is a rehash of a previous post. I’m not altering a word in or after the block quote. I believe that these ideas are worth repeating, because we’re talking about people who voluntarily walk into warzones and don’t necessarily walk back out; if they do, chances are, they will never be the… Continue reading Lest We Forget

Movie Review: Good Morning, Vietnam

“GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM! It’s Oh-Six-Hundred, what does the Oh stand for? OH MY GOD IT’S EARLY!” I don’t think the 1987 Barry Levinson film Good Morning, Vietnam needs any introduction beyond that. Airman Adrian Cronauer, United States Air Force, was the main radio personality stationed in Crete in the 1960s. During the Vietnam War, he… Continue reading Movie Review: Good Morning, Vietnam

Memento Mori

For two years running I’ve made the same post on Memorial Day, which starts something like this: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana We have the country we have today because people got pissed off enough to fight for it. America’s military is based entirely on volunteer… Continue reading Memento Mori

The New Mythology

Some of our stories are hundreds or even thousands of years old. Every once in a while, a book or TV series will claim it has an ‘all-new’ story, but in reality most of the plot points and character turns have probably been told before. This is likely not a conscious decision of the writer,… Continue reading The New Mythology

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! History of the World, Pt 1

[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/history_of_the_world.mp3] Satirists are more important to civilization than you might think. While critics may highlight, underscore or outright assault a work in a mostly straightforward manner, a satirist does so through humor or hyperbole. It’s no wonder that satirists tend to be more popular, even if some periods of history were less tolerant of them… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! History of the World, Pt 1

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Hunt for Red October

[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/red_october.mp3] I’m aware that some of you may have been born around or after, say, 1995. That terms like ‘Soviet Union’ and ‘Cold War’ are entries on Wikipedia or chapters in a history book rather than memories of an ominous time. I’m not sure if public school still conduct ‘weather drills’, but when I was… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Hunt for Red October