The Magic's Back

Art by Tyler Jacobson

I really wasn’t expecting to get back into Magic: The Gathering. I’ve been a Hearthstone player for a while, now. And it did a decent job of scratching that CCG itch that started back in ’93 or so when I first picked up my first starter deck of Magic. The Warcraft theme and some of the… Continue reading The Magic's Back

500 Words on Journey to Un'Goro

Part of having more bandwidth for games now that I have gainful dayjob employment has included a return to playing Hearthstone on a regular basis. The latest expansion, Journey to Un’Goro, drops this week, and I’m quite excited to see what it will bring. It’s already had a bunch of coverage, some absolutely fantastic promotional… Continue reading 500 Words on Journey to Un'Goro

500 Words on Free-To-Play Games

I know there are a lot of people who consider “free to play” a dirty word. Or a dirty series of words. A dirty turn of phrase? Anyway, they don’t like it as a concept. And I can understand why: it sounds like a bait-and-switch. A game like League of Legends or Hearthstone or Jetpack… Continue reading 500 Words on Free-To-Play Games

From the Vault: Theorycrafting

I am giving some serious thought to jumping back into the mix of tactical planning, visceral satisfaction, and utter frustration that is League of Legends. To that end, and since I’m not quite back on the review train yet, here’s a relevant post from back in the day that reflects what I’m doing now: planning… Continue reading From the Vault: Theorycrafting

White Weenies: A Hearthstone Deck Dossier

“Put your faith in the Light!” I’ve been making attempts to climb up the ladder of ranks in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft for the last few months, in my spare time. … And finally, I have a deck that, while certainly inspired mostly by another of the same name, has had enough tweaks that I… Continue reading White Weenies: A Hearthstone Deck Dossier