A Writer's To-Do List

So last week’s ICFN was delayed. It’s still on hold. I’m waiting to hear back from third parties that were interested in conveying it to a different format. Awaiting correspondence always makes days or weekends feel longer, from responses to job postings to queries about Magic trades. But while I was waiting I took a… Continue reading A Writer's To-Do List

One Of Those 'Casuals'

I’ve been called a lot of things in my time when it comes to gaming. “Blithering idiot.” “Total bastard.” “Keyboard-turning skill-clicker.” And perhaps the most caustic of all: “mouth-breathing casual.” Most of these terms come from my wife. Ours is a happy marriage. Anyway, the last one is sticking with me because to some gamers,… Continue reading One Of Those 'Casuals'